Michelle Capper-Fay

Inner Alignment For Outer Success

Michelle Capper-Fay is an Energy Healer, Soul Coach, International Teacher
and Mentor.

She is devoted to helping people achieve ‘inner’ alignment for ‘outer’ success by transforming personal passions into outer purpose. She is the creator of Inner Uprising®; a transformational program of healing, self-discovery and personal expansion that ignites self-belief, self-worth, empowerment and life purpose or, as she calls it, “Light Purpose”,enabling people to become‘Dream Catchers’ in their own lives.

Michelle draws on a rich background in healing, coaching and business. She is a Reiki Master, an Advanced Soul Coach and Past Life Coach with the Denise Linn Institute of Coaching as well as, a practitioner of Quantum Level Energy Techniques. Her work is further enriched by a Master’s Degree in Business and formal training as an Actor.

She has been featured in Good Health magazine and has been a guest host on the Denise Linn, Hay House Radio Show.




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