Marie-Claire Hermans

Run Your Health Like You Run Your Business

Marie-Claire became an Energy Coach For Experts after surviving a killer cocktail of 6 disabling diseases, cracking the code of complete exhaustion and healing 2 remaining so called “incurable” diseases by changing her diet, mindset and self-management.

She started approaching self-care for busy leaders as part of their business after she saw how their excuses were keeping them in their own way and slowing them down.

She now successfully guidesexhausted, -often overweighed- professionals, towards a healthy lifestyle so that they can generate the energy they desire to express their full potential and live the dream.

Marie-Claire loves bringing her versatile talents, exquisite signature system and 7 years of expertise to the table to create results fast.

From one on one coaching, energy boosting VIP weekends, private energy cuisine ateliers, picking up your sluggish business to team building and activating the energy of your audience during your events: she's got it all covered.






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