Lisa Bloom

The Power of Storytelling to Attract & Impact Ideal Clients and grow your Business

Lisa Bloom, founder of Story Coach helps entrepreneurs &business owners find confidence, attract ideal clients and make more money with their success story and she works with organizations developingTransformational Story Leaders and creative yet resilient cultures.

Lisa is a professional Storyteller, accredited Coach, Author, Mentor and Leadership expert (and the mother of 4 boys). Her groundbreaking techniques have enabled her grow her business and take to the stage where she speaks internationally about this amazing approach to business, leadership and coaching. 

Lisa is a great storyteller and is convinced that telling a good story is the remedy for most ills!

Lisa is the author of the Amazon bestseller "Cinderella and the Coach-the Power of Storytelling for Coaching Success!" and the creator of the Business Story Mastery & Certified Story Coach Programs. For more details:


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