Dr. Joe Rubino
The Secrets to Living a Life of No Regrets

Dr. Joe Rubino, CEO of http://www.centerforpersonalreinvention.com/, is acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost experts on the topic of elevating self esteem. He is a life changing personal development and success coach on how to restore self esteem, achieve business success, maximize joy and fulfillment in life and productivity. He is known for his groundbreaking work in personal and leadership development, building effective teams, enhancing listening and communication skills, life and business coaching and optimal life planning. His 12 best selling books and audio programs are available in 23 languages and in 58 countries.
Learn more about his lifechanging work in championing people to restore their self esteem at http://www.TheSelfEsteemBook.com and receive FREE the insightful audio program “7 Steps to Soaring SelfEsteem” and a 1 year subscription to “The Success Achievers’ Club”...a $129 Value! Learn how you can become Certified by The Center for Personal Reinvention as a Self Esteem Coach for Children at www.highselfesteemkids.com or for Adults at www.highselfesteemadults.com
Your Free Gift
Create Ultimate Success and Manifest Your Dreams with Soaring Self Esteem! Discover the most powerful personal development tool that you can use to transform your life to experience true emotional freedom & lasting happiness. In this audio you'll hear from life-changing success coach and best-selling Author Dr. Joe Rubino as he reveals the #1 ingredient essential to attracting success, abundance, happiness, rewarding relationships, and fulfillment to your life. You’ll also receive a complimentary 7 part mini-course and a life-changing video to support you to live your very best life!
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