Christine Parma

How to Avoid the 5 Big Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make When Launching Their Own Business

Christine Parma helps ambitious women entrepreneurs who are deeply committed to creating profitable businesses they love and lives they love even more. Step by step she shows you how to finally get paid what you’re worth by packaging up your brilliance into premium signature programs, creating magnetic client-booking offers and implementing systems that grow your business without you working 24/7, missing out on precious time with your loved ones or sacrificing what matters most to you.

Drawing on her experience of working behind the scenes on more than $3 million dollars’ worth of live and online signature programs for personal development guru, T. Harv Eker, plus the many lessons learned from launching her own brand with two young kids at home, Christine beautifully marries both practical business strategies and spiritual principles to help her clients build thriving businesses and joyful lives. Learn more at

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